Mariokart arcade game released in the early 2000s, produced by “Triforce,” a collaboration of Nintendo, Sega, and Namco. This professional arcade machine offers a version of Mariokart never released on a console, the Arcade GP 2 version, featuring original races and characters from Sega and Namco, including Pac-Man (in addition to the classic characters of the game). Everything is there, with gifts to throw using the steering wheel’s button, and the classic soundtrack of this timeless game. All this comes with an enhanced experience, including a seat with speakers, foot pedals, and force feedback on the steering wheel. A piece for old kids, video game enthusiasts, and fans of the great names in retro gaming.
Height: 90 in
Width: 40 in
Depth : 80 in
Weigh: 350 lbs
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